I think I read somwhere today that 75% of the UK population think we are due a terrorist attack. Well, let me say this much - the fire service are expected to be frontline when it happens and we are getting repeatedly told "IT'S NOT IF, IT'S WHEN".
Comforting thoughts...
Well, lets just take a step back from the hysteria... the mainland UK hasn't been immune to terrorism - the Warrington Bomb, the Manchester Shopping centre, Hyde Park, Brighton Tory conference and so on and so forth. This isn't actually something new to us in this country. We've been carried by a wave of hysteria following 9/11.
I do accept that things are slightly different now. Undoubtedly we are now subject to a global threat - not just a small but violent outfit from over the water. And undoubtedly the "stuff" we're likely to be facing is perhaps as nasty as you can get.
I'm referring of course to a "dirty bomb".
Nuclear/radioactive material mixed with conventional explosive. This truly is a nightmare scenario. But what really gets to me is this simple fact;
THIS government referred to firefighters as "criminally irresponsible" and it is THIS government that now expects us to deal with the aftermath of a terrorist incident. This government acted appallingly towards firefighters and now expects us embrace this new role with vigour and enthusiasm.... To deal with this new role fire appliances have been equipped with;
a plastic bucket,
half a dozen sponges,
a litre of bleach
a litre of household washing up liquid, and
a measuring jug....
And they call US criminally irresponsible!