Branded criminally irresponsible, yet once thought of as a "noble" profession - the UK fire service and the people who serve in it have already seen much change over the years. However, things are about to change more rapidly than ever, and inevitably, th
it's hot in here!
Published on March 14, 2004 By Fireman Blog In Welcome
This "blog" wont simply confine itself to issues relating to "criminally irresponsible" UK firefighters - no... this will be an insight into the thoughts of "just an ordinary bloke". Obviously, I will talk about the UK fire service - something that has been a big part of my life for many years. An organisation I feel very strongly about; a job I love - but a service I am becoming utterly frustrated with. But more about all that later!

I'm also going to discuss "topical" issues - the news of the day. This might be issues of extreme importance, or alternatively it could be idle, irrelevant celebrity chit-chat!

Let's see how it goes...

on Mar 15, 2004
I would just like to say Welcome to JU!!!!

I dont know any firemen! and i suspect i may find your stories interesting! feel free to visit and contribute to Muggaz here!
